Xotic Labs & Digs research arthropod toxins and bioengineer them into medical solutions.


Create a design system for a worldwide arthropod research group that supports workers in laboratory and field settings while remaining approachable to community members and medical groups.


Brand Labs and Digs as two different divisions working together under the same identity. Use  iconography to comfortably engage community members, and use a uniform warning system across both divisions.

Brand Voice

Xotic speaks scientifically with precision and understanding. It links the two divisions, community, and partners in the medical, engineering and environmental research fields.


Arthropods are attracted to bright yellow, so it needs to be incorporated in the visibility uniforms and equipment of field researchers.

Community members generally fear arthropods (spiders, wasps, etc) so a trigger warning strategy is needed when photos of them appear in media posts.

A toxicity warning system is necessary for substances and specimens.

Signage needs language support to inform community members around the world.

Brand Elements

Xotic (zŏt-ĭk) got its name from rearranging the word toxic.

Presage and Virulent are named after the danger of toxins, and Cure and Remedy after the result of biomedical reengineering. Exigent and Miasma are used strictly in warning labels.

Gibson is clear, professional and has wide language support.

Icons show the four most common arthropods we research as friendly mascots and in-house warning labels.

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